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bone health blueprint

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Topic: The Bone Health Blueprint
Type: Recurring
Hosted By: Kathy Doubleday DPT, OCS
Next Occurence: Thursday, Feb 27, 2025 09:00 AM
Click to See All Meeting Occurrences
  • Thursday, Feb 13, 2025 09:00 AM
  • Thursday, Feb 27, 2025 09:00 AM
Duration: 1 hour 0 minutes
Timezone: America/Los_Angeles

Note: Countdown time is shown based on your local timezone. Meeting time has 1 hour threshold before another occurrence is shown.

"Many of my patients tell me they wish they'd learned proper movement patterns before a fall happened. That's exactly what we'll focus on in this session."

Kathy Doubleday DPT, OCS

Doctor of Physical Therapy

Part I:

Strengthen Your Bones
Osteo Torso

In this foundational webcast, Dr. Doubleday and Dr. Ryan will explain the science of bone strengthening in clear, practical terms, sharing specific strategies you can use to build and maintain stronger bones at any age.

Part II:

Avoiding Fractures
bone fracture

Dr. Doubleday and Dr. Ryan will discuss key movement principles and share practical tips for safe movement during daily activities, using real-life examples to help you understand and apply these techniques at home.

Part III:

Smarter Movements
feet walking

Join physical therapists Dr. Kathy Doubleday, DPT, and Dr. Kaitlin Ryan, DPT, as they discuss strategies to prevent spine fractures and demonstrate simple adjustments to everyday movements that can help protect weakened bones.

Part IV:

Lifestyle Hacks
food bowl

In this final bone health webcast, Dr. Doubleday and Dr. Ryan will explore how nutrition and other key lifestyle factors impact bone strength, giving you practical ways to support your bones through daily choices.

Let Us Help You Avoid Fractures

These three webcasts work together to give you a complete foundation for bone health. Whether you're being proactive or addressing existing concerns, you'll gain practical knowledge from experienced physical therapists that you can start using right away to protect your bone health for years to come.