Stress Fracture Symptoms: What You Need to Know
Have you ever felt a sharp pain that started after exercise or a long walk? If the ache persists and worsens when applying pressure, you may have a stress fracture. […]
Improving Bone Strength Before Surgery: A Guide for Older Adults
Strong bones can provide the strength and resilience to bounce back quickly from surgery and prevent common injuries as you age. Improving your bone strength starts with increasing bone density, […]
Building Bone Density Naturally With Weight-Bearing Exercises
As we age, our bodies demand more care and attention, especially when it comes to bone health. Weight-bearing exercises are pivotal for building bone density naturally and improving overall health […]
Understanding Bone Density Tests for Women: When and Why to Get Screened
Bone density is a simple way of measuring how strong our bones are. This becomes increasingly important as we age, particularly for women. Bone density is measured by the amount […]
Exercises for Bone Strength
The Importance of Exercising with Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is fairly common, with an estimated 10 million people over the age of 50 suffering from this condition. And, about 43 million more […]