Golfer’s Wrist Pain and Exercises That Help

Male golfer doing a golf swing outdoors

Wrist pain can be a frustrating problem affecting a variety of athletes, but there’s a reason that “golfer’s wrist” is named for the sport. This article will explore what causes golfer’s wrist, treatment options, and how to manage wrist pain with exercise so you can keep playing golf. What is Golfer’s Wrist? The term golfer’s wrist describes […]

Shingles Stages for Seniors & What to Expect

shingles vaccination concept, vaccine vial, shingles vaccine

Understanding the basics of the primary shingles stages, how it can affect your day-to-day life, and the best available treatment options can make a big difference in your overall recovery for a better quality of life. What Are Shingles? Herpes zoster, or shingles, is a painful skin rash caused by the same virus that causes […]