Printable Back Strain Exercises [PDF]

As we age, our bodies naturally become more susceptible to various aches and pains, one of the most common being back strain. This discomfort can significantly impact our daily lives, making even the simplest tasks challenging. Understanding the causes, treatments, and prevention techniques for back strain can greatly improve the quality of life for older adults. Thus, we’ve developed a comprehensive, easy-to-understand printable fact sheet to help guide you through this journey towards better back health.

This fact sheet is a treasure trove of information, providing an in-depth look at the causes of back strain, from poor posture to overexertion, and how to effectively treat it. It also offers practical prevention tips to help you avoid future back strain. Additionally, it includes a series of physical therapist-advised exercises, complete with step-by-step instructions, to strengthen your back and reduce the risk of strain. This valuable resource aims to empower older adults to take control of their back health and live more comfortably. 

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Do you know the best exercises to relieve back pain?

Our guide to The Five Best Exercises to Relieve Back Pain is a great place to start healing your back for good. Inside the eBook, you will get clear and detailed instructions and illustrations featuring experienced physical therapist Dr. Kathy Doubleday PT, DPT. She helps you follow along easily and confidently by demonstrating each exercise. 

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